Calliandra haematocephala Hassk.
Picture 11. Calliandra haematocephala
& Abdurrahman, 2017)
Kingdom : Plantae
Divisi :
Class :
Order :
Family :
Genus :
Calliandra Benth.
Species : Calliandra haematocephala Hassk.
Other Scientific Names
Anneslia acapulcensis Britton & Rose
Anneslia calothyrsus (Meisn.) Donn.-Sm.
Anneslia confusa
(Sprague & Riley) Britton & Rose
Anneslia similis
(Sprague & Riley) Britton & Rose
Calliandra acapulcensis (Britton & Rose) Standley
Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner
Calliandra confusa
Sprague & Riley
Calliandra similis
Sprague & Riley
Feuilleea calothyrsa Kuntze
Calliandra houstoniana var. calothyrsus is a small, thornless, often multistemmed shrub or
small tree. Under optimum conditions it can attain a height of 12 m and a trunk
diameter of 30 cm, but its average height is 5-6 m and diameter 20 cm.
Leafstalks of larger leaves 8-15 cm, their longer interpinnal segments 6-10
(-12) mm; rachis of longer pinnae (4) 5-8.5 cm; longer leaflets linear acute
4-9(-10) × 0.65-1.9 mm, either straight or gently incurved. Inflorescence-axes
either glabrous, or puberulent, or pilose, but the peduncles at most thinly so;
peduncles (3-)4-12(-15) mm; pedicels 2-4.5 mm ; perianth commonly glabrous,
rarely micropuberulent; calyx 1.6-2.3 x 2.2-3.2 mm, the teeth 0.25-0.6 mm;
corolla (6-)6.5-9.5(-11.5) mm, the lobes as long as tube or separating to rim
of stemonozone; androecium 40-52-merous, usually crimson throughout,
occasionally pallid proximally and pink distally. Pods in profile 8-11 (-12) ×
1.1-1.6 cm, commonly glabrous or micropuberulent, less often strigulose or even
pilose (Cabi, 2019).
Spot Character
inflorescences with long stamens and white to red in color
Tropical and
subtropical Asia
Shade plant
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